This year I am claiming that I am a Godly wife even though there is no boyfriend or husband in sight, God is teaching me to rely in him as my husband in this time. There is no time like the present to start confessing the things you want to be, and with this being the love month (thanks Hallmark!!) I am using this time to get close to my God, and have him be my Valentine right now. I am doing this because I know that God has an AMAZING man waiting for me just around the corner, in his timing and guess what? That timing is perfect!!!!!!!!!!! So I am speaking all of this forward in faith!!!
I confess that I am a supportive wife who demonstrates love in the way I approach my husband. He doesn’t see me as a nagging, complaining wife, but as a friend to confide in and to look to for strength. God is able to speak to my husband without my interference. I trust God to speak to him. I trust God to deal with my heart and help me take on a supportive role in our home.
I confess that I live a powerful, godly and chaste life before my husband. Therefore I am a constant encouragement to him. He seeks my advice. He wants my help. He desires to know what I believe is right regarding decisions affecting our family and our relationship. God’s Spirit is changing me and making me the kind of wife that He wants me to be. I declare this by faith, in Jesus’ name.
I confess that the beautifying of my spirit is a high priority in my life. I don’t make the mistake of putting all my time and effort into improving my outward appearance while forgetting to invest in my spirit. I’ve made a decision that my spirit is beautiful. I’m becoming more godly and beautiful all the time. I have an inward beauty that far outshines everything that I could ever do to improve the appearance of my outward man.
I confess I am a source of stability and power. I am a source of peace in my home. I don’t give in to anger. I don’t fly into a rage and say things that I will later regret. My husband and my children depend on me to be a tower of strength even in the midst of turmoil because I am so stable. I help bring stability to my husband, to my children and to the general atmosphere in my home. Instead of being a contributor to strife, conflict and turmoil, God uses me to bring peace and tranquility to all those who are near me. I release my faith now, in Jesus' name.
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