Genesis 3:4-5
4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. 5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
God gave me a word, and it is from the old children's story of Don't be deceived by a wolf in sheep's clothing. Looking back when Eve was deceived by the serpent, it is almost the same moral. Relating this to the world today it still sticks so true, and it sticks true to some things that are happening in my life. There are things that seem like they are good like the little sheep in the story thinking that the wolf was his mother and he followed it into the woods, and well we know the rest of the story the little sheep goes bye bye :( Well this can hold true to the way the enemy can put some things in front of you that you think is ok, and think that it is God instead. These things can be things like friendships and situations in life. We can stay in the rut of our life that we are used to and be deceived into following the wolf into the forrest or we can get out of our rut and run into open pastures with our heard (God and his angels)
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