A sound mind. I don't know about you, but I sure would like to have sound mind. Did you know that a sound mind is a promise of God? Something that surely is in the will of God for us. Now, let me tell you, the world we live in is trying its best to give you an unsound mind--but God through His word says different.....
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2Timothy 1:7)
So many things of the world tell us we are doing things wrong when we feel deep down we know they are right, I have learned over the last couple of days that, when those occasions arise and we find ourselves questioning is this Gods voice either A. Speaking to me through someone or B. Are the things that I am hearing really from God.? It gets to the point where we just wanna say SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH and sometimes we can, but other times it is better for us to stop and really listen. The feeling of hearing every ones opinions and trying to feel like you have to make everything right gets tiring!! and you feel like all you can hear is noise and you never have a sound mind. Well I am here to tell you if you have the fear of God in your heart, you learn to sit back and not fear what everyone else is thinking. Also there are things in our lives we want answers to and we want them badly, and the enemy knows that you are seeking God for those answers and will swoop in and pollute your brain with confusion, and one thing that I have learned in the past 8 months that God does not hold the spirit of confusion, the situation or person that you are letting control you and making your mind unsound holds the spirit of confusion! We also have to realize that the spirit of fear (fear of the worldly things) is what causes us to have a unsound mind, so if we learn to fear God and trust in him with everything in our lives who else to we have to fear when God has our back??? God has laid out a path for us to follow to receive the sound mind He promises. The two steps that lead to your sound mind are by power and love.
Power. Get power. Well it makes perfect sense that if we can have God's power, we certainly won't have fear any longer--and will be well on our way to a sound mind. Love. Did you know that love is a commandment? Love gives results. God is love-(1John 4:8)--and His power works through love--and specifically for the results we are looking for. Wow! If you have the mind of Christ how can you not have a sound mind? But you have to know this You have to get it clear and strong in you Jesus has all power that His love casts out all fear. So when you are in Christ living in His love you have His mind and that is a sound mind! But look again The Bible says we can't say we love God and hate our brother. Sometimes we have to forgive some people in our lives that we really would rather not and I know it's tough, but you gotta just think of the sound mind that the Lord has for you! It does take time for this to happen and it will happen as long as ou are willing to let it!!!!
Power. Get power. Well it makes perfect sense that if we can have God's power, we certainly won't have fear any longer--and will be well on our way to a sound mind. Love. Did you know that love is a commandment? Love gives results. God is love-(1John 4:8)--and His power works through love--and specifically for the results we are looking for. Wow! If you have the mind of Christ how can you not have a sound mind? But you have to know this You have to get it clear and strong in you Jesus has all power that His love casts out all fear. So when you are in Christ living in His love you have His mind and that is a sound mind! But look again The Bible says we can't say we love God and hate our brother. Sometimes we have to forgive some people in our lives that we really would rather not and I know it's tough, but you gotta just think of the sound mind that the Lord has for you! It does take time for this to happen and it will happen as long as ou are willing to let it!!!!
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