Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watch your words!!!

Proverbs 18:21 The Message
Words kill, words give life, they're either poison or fruit- you choose.
Something is growing inside of me, and I don't mean a baby (cause there is NO way for that to be) but something spiritually. I know that this has come from a teaching I had last week on vision. It has really made me think about the things in my life. Last night I had a dream I was pregnant a very REAL dream on top of that. So this morning of course I start asking God for answers since last night before I went to be I asked God to give me dreams of my future, and this what I got. Yes I do want another child one day, but I wasn't expecting this dream, and I know it was from God because lately I haven't been dreaming at all. So needless to say I was very confused about the dream. So I prayed and still no answer, then I was talking with my girlfriend at work and told her about the dream and also told her about something I heard on Joyce Meyer yesterday. She was saying " God will not bless you with something that you are jealous that someone else has" WOW I know that I don't act jealous about some things, but my words sometimes can prove different even though they are not harsh. God convicted me of this for example saying, "Wow they always get blessed, when will it be my turn?" "I wish I had a husband like yours" seems harmless right?? That's what I thought till I heard this and then God took me right to Proverbs 18:21 So like I said before I prayed before I went to sleep, but after that prayer I heard God telling me that there is a new season right around the corner, and almost had a feeling of God planting something in me, and since I had to die to something big in my life it only makes since that something new is going to bloom (hey it is spring time!!). So then my dream made sense to me!! God HAS planted something inside of me and I am pregnant with something spiritually. Soon and I mean REAL soon by April 16th something is going to be birthed out of me and it is going to be something AMAZING and it is going to be something I will not expect!! Even though I have seen the enemy lurking around lately, I know it is a test and guess what temptation IS NOT going to get the best of me!! I have repented for my words and know that this will open up a lot of things in my life. God did not promise it was going to be easy He just promised it would be worth it!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rough Seas Made Calm!!

Jonah 1:4-15 (New Century Version)
4 But the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, which made the sea so stormy that the ship was in danger of breaking apart.5 The sailors were afraid, and each man cried to his own god. They began throwing the cargo from the ship into the sea to make the ship lighter. But Jonah had gone down far inside the ship to lie down, and he fell fast asleep.6 The captain of the ship came and said, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray to your god! Maybe your god will pay attention to us, and we won't die!" 7 Then the men said to each other, "Let's throw lots to see who caused these troubles to happen to us." then they threw lots, the lot showed that the trouble had happened because of Jonah.8 Then they said to him, "Tell us, who caused our trouble? What is your job? Where do you come from? What is your country? Who are your people?" 9 Then Jonah said to them, "I am a Hebrew. I fear the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the land." 10 The men were very afraid, and they asked Jonah, "What terrible thing did you do?" (They knew he was running away from the Lord because he had told them.) 11 Since the wind and the waves of the sea were becoming much stronger, they said to him, "What should we do to you to make the sea calm down for us?" 12 Jonah said to them, "Pick me up, and throw me into the sea, and then it will calm down. I know it is my fault that this great storm has come on you." 13 Instead, the men tried to row the ship back to the land, but they could not, because the sea was becoming more stormy. 14 So the men cried to the Lord, "Lord, please don't let us die because of this man's life; please don't think we are guilty of killing an innocent person. Lord, you have caused all this to happen; you wanted it this way."15 So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea became calm.
So there is nothing like asking God to show up and Him exceeding your expectations!! There are many things that the enemy has been attacking me with this week and of course it is all because God was was about to break something BIG in me. If you have read my devotions from this week you will remember God has been promising something BIG and I believe this is the beginning!! When reading through this book today at the re-encounter God gave me revelation, and it wasn't until the last 2 teachings until everything connected. There are 2 verses that really stick out to me that is verse 5 and 15. Here's how it all relates to things in my life that I have been now set free of. Verse 5 says The sailors were afraid, and each man cried to his own god. They began throwing the cargo from the ship into the sea to make the ship lighter. But Jonah had gone down far inside the ship to lie down, and he fell fast asleep. How many times have we been in a "storm" and we start throwing things out of our life that we think will help or we try to take care of the storm by ourselves without seeking counsel, and what happens?? The storm is usually still there and keeps on getting bigger and bigger right?? We go don't into the boat where it is comfortable and we sleep while the storms of our life turn into hurricanes, when we really need to wake up and attack the storm have faith that God's grave will get us out of what ever storm we are in. We tend to think if we change this or change that everything will be ok, but it is the Jonahs in our lives we need out. and that goes right along with verse 15 So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea became calm. We need to stop looking for a quick fix in our lives and look for the root then cut it off, we need to see what we need to sacrifice in our lives to bring glory to God, we need to live our lives in faith. I always get a vision of someone preparing for a fight, you don't just go into a fight without training, you train daily for the big fight. What we need to do daily is always be training for a fight our "storm" because we never know how or when it will come, and we always have to be ready. So what is it that you are willing to throw into the ocean for your seas to calm?? Once you have that thing, person, idol etc...... throw it to the sea, and be free. So start playing the rocky them and start throwing things off the boat while shadow boxing the next storm that may come!! :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Going to War!!

Ephesians 6:11-17 The Message

So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we'll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.
13-18Be prepared. You're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon.

Eph 6:16 The Shield of Faith

It has been brought to my attention that somethings in my life that I have ben thinking were actually lies from the enemy, and the sad thing is that I wasn't aware enough that they were because it was something I was so comfortable with. So after this was brought to my attention God brought this word to mind for me.

The Shield of Faith is what protects us from the firey darts of the enemys harsh words or not so harsh words what sometimes can sneek in. I see the harsh words (ex. you'll NEVER ______insert lie here) as the firey darts that come right in past a shield during a war, and the not to harsh words (ex. no one will understand me) like the embers that may sneek in and start out like a small fire and turn into a massive fire. Our faith is something that has to be up at all times, because the minute we let down our guard that is when bombs or embers start flying our way. So I started to think about faith, we use faith everyday. For exaple we have faith then when we sit ina chair it will support us, we eat food in faith that it won't posion us. If we have faith in everyday situations, why would we have faith in God? The one who knew you before your were born, the one that number each one of our hairs? Our faith in God and in the truth of His word is more important and reliable than the practical everyday faith by what we live by, because God is powerful and depentable.

Col 6:7 The Message

You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving.

So even though at times we feel like we are at war with the ememy I am talking all out battel with bobms and bullets because sometimes his words and actions make us feel like we have been hit by them. We need to place our faith and full confidence in the promises of God. So when it all boils down to it Gos is looking for faithfull obedient warriors who are willing to believe and trust in Him in the heat of a battel of life, when circumstances seem hopeless and when all others around you have given up. Have the faith that God will get you through it.

Faith is only as reliable as the trustworthiness of it's subject!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Storms of Life

You've kept track of my every toss and turn through the sleepless nights. Each tear entered in your ledger each ache written in your book. Psalm 56:8 The Message

The last month has been pretty much been a up and down roller coaster of emotions from happy, to sad, to hurt, to joy. You name it I have been on the ride, some rides more bumpy than others. Sometimes I feel like I am at the old state fair and sometimes I feel like I am at Disney. I think you get the picture. It wasn't until today that the 2 main things I have been dealing with kind of just all hit me at once like a ton of bricks and since the time I got up, during my morning prayer time, and till the time I got to work I was crying. During my prayer time today was the first time ever that I got mad at God (yes I asked for forgiveness) I am sure that I made for quite the sight to be driving next to this morning. I questioned him with no answer of course because I wouldn't of been able to handle it at the time and would of just not listened, but I said God, "why?" "why so you bring me though these storms?" and better yet, "why do my storms seem to come together and make bigger storms?" " and why on some days my life is a cake walk with out a cloud in sight?" Yes my life for the past month has been like FL weather wonderful one day then 2 days of rain! So still with no answer, I still remained a little down today, but knowing that God has told me something BIG is about to happen to you and it is going to blow your mind I have kept that close to my heart!!! So this afternoon I turn on the radio and hear Casting Crowns "praise you in this storm" I knew God was speaking to me AT THAT MOMENT!!! It says every tear I cry I hold you hold in your hand! Then that's when I started studying, because I knew that it was in the bible, and BINGO Psalm 56:8 and the funny thing is I have had tossing and turning sleepless nights along with the crying for a month. So now you can see why my little light bulb has gone off now, God finally can speak to me because I am ready and of course it is through music like always!! God told King Hezekiah " (Jennifer) I have heard your prayers and I have seen your tears I am going to heal you" Is. 38:5 What I read he wasn't talking to the king he was talking to me!! When we sit and cry over whatever is going on in our lives (our storms or highs) mostly in our storms God comes in to take our side to stand with us, and he is care full noting each tear. It is the pain full life situation though when we suffer that we are most likely yo find God's hand reaching to wipe our tears away. Even though AI have had these storms I have found a way to praise His name in other areas of my life, and I know that God is telling me to continue to praise His name in a storm or on a super amazing day, and my blessings will come. I know that it is ok to have a pity party and God will let me do that a throw a hissy fit, because He loves me, and when I am done acting like a 2 year old I know I can run into His arms and He will hold me a give me answers. He promises in Rev 21:5 that He will wipe away every tear on the wonderful day when he also makes everything new!! I know my new is coming because He promised me that 2 weeks ago. Know that our tears either will drive us further into darkness of our own pity party or make us run into Gods loving arms, but it is our choice which road we take.So if you are battling with some of these "storms" of life even though it is the hardest thing to do because all you want to do is throw yourself on the ground and kick your feet and say "IT IS NOT FAIR", but give it to God, rest in the truth that He holds our future in His hands, and we have nothing to worry about, and if you feel like you are in the desert it is ok to cry because God will make rivers of your tears in your desert to give you life!!!