Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watch your words!!!

Proverbs 18:21 The Message
Words kill, words give life, they're either poison or fruit- you choose.
Something is growing inside of me, and I don't mean a baby (cause there is NO way for that to be) but something spiritually. I know that this has come from a teaching I had last week on vision. It has really made me think about the things in my life. Last night I had a dream I was pregnant a very REAL dream on top of that. So this morning of course I start asking God for answers since last night before I went to be I asked God to give me dreams of my future, and this what I got. Yes I do want another child one day, but I wasn't expecting this dream, and I know it was from God because lately I haven't been dreaming at all. So needless to say I was very confused about the dream. So I prayed and still no answer, then I was talking with my girlfriend at work and told her about the dream and also told her about something I heard on Joyce Meyer yesterday. She was saying " God will not bless you with something that you are jealous that someone else has" WOW I know that I don't act jealous about some things, but my words sometimes can prove different even though they are not harsh. God convicted me of this for example saying, "Wow they always get blessed, when will it be my turn?" "I wish I had a husband like yours" seems harmless right?? That's what I thought till I heard this and then God took me right to Proverbs 18:21 So like I said before I prayed before I went to sleep, but after that prayer I heard God telling me that there is a new season right around the corner, and almost had a feeling of God planting something in me, and since I had to die to something big in my life it only makes since that something new is going to bloom (hey it is spring time!!). So then my dream made sense to me!! God HAS planted something inside of me and I am pregnant with something spiritually. Soon and I mean REAL soon by April 16th something is going to be birthed out of me and it is going to be something AMAZING and it is going to be something I will not expect!! Even though I have seen the enemy lurking around lately, I know it is a test and guess what temptation IS NOT going to get the best of me!! I have repented for my words and know that this will open up a lot of things in my life. God did not promise it was going to be easy He just promised it would be worth it!!