Hebrews 11:1
Faith means being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.
So I have been going through a big period of change in the last month some good some bad, but all done in faith praying that God will show me the reason for what has been going on. God has been telling me to expect the unexpected, at first I was alittle up tight about those words since I have been dealing with the unexpected already and the out come was not all gum drops and candy! Needless to say I have been pretty open to this word that He has spoken to me and was also confirmed though my leader, after her telling me that God has been tell her the same thing, before I even told her. So I ask God what do I really need to do to see this amazing thing happen (whatever it is going to be) and this is what He gave me. He told me to have faith and make every opportunity count!! So I start to think and question, and came up with "I want to, but I've never had the opportunity", "I tried to once, but it didn't work out" or "No thanks, I'm fine where I'm at." God said, "No get out of your comfort zone!!!" The song pops into my head Highway to the danger Zone!! :) but I know God will not lead me to any unsafe ground, as long as I have the faith to listen to Him. He also said to me it is very possible the action would involve a dramatic and significant change in everything you know to be "rational." It may alter the way you live your life. It may mean doing something that makes no worldly sense whatsoever. So I am like ok God I am almost all the way there since I have altered a lot in the last month, but God has something more than I can ever imagine in store, and I know this because He lead me to Matt 14:29 and it says Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. So what I am feeling now is God telling me "You have had faith with the things you have given to me in the last month, but I want you to walk on water and no become afraid like Peter did and sink, you need to stay a float and know that I am going to give you great things when you walk across the water to me." WOW powerful stuff I know!!Looking back, there have been times where I have failed to make a decision because I was trying to think through each option too much, wanting to see down both roads, not wanting to make a mistake, even though I "knew" the direction I should take. Other times, I was afraid to act, worrying about "what others would think" or what "might" happen if I did. Well I am telling you now I am not that girl anymore!! I am a Godly woman and if my dad is telling me to walk on water I am!!!! So I am ending with this sometimes, the opportunity may seem to be impossible or unimaginable. The offer may seem ridiculous and absurd from a worldly perspective. Sometimes it will be accompanied by nervousness or fear. However, His timing will be amazingly perfect and come with little effort on your part. AMEN!!!!! I can walk on water, Can you???
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